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Popplestone Studio

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Hello, I’m Emma but some people know me as the button lady.

Like many people, I was a repeat visitor to the islands. Since the age of two I have spent my annual holiday here where I have watched my three gorgeous children (young adults now – gorgeous young adults) play in the same rock pools and beaches I played in as a child.

I moved over to the Scillies in January 2019. Previously, I lived in North Yorkshire, where I worked as a design and technology teacher for over twenty years. I was thrilled to be offered a unit at Phoenix Studio’s where I could develop my ideas and techniques. My work has grown, and I have developed methods and products using polymer clay in delicate and intricate ways.

My creative journey continues to evolve. In March 2020, supported by the IOS Voucher Scheme, I installed a laser cutter. This will allow me to develop digital concepts and offer a range of individual and personalised designs and products.

I am looking forward to combining hand worked and modern techniques to fashion beautiful, bespoke, delicate and distinctive pieces. In my work I like to explore the harmony and balance that can be found in colours, patterns, and cultures.

Moving to the Scillies has been amazing. I find these unique Islands very calming.

The tides create ever changing views and colours, meaning you can never grow tired of the place. I’m never more than a few metres from the sea, and I am constantly touched by coastal winds, a felt but unseen energy that I love.

Moving hasn’t been without its challenges. Trying to renovate a house in one of the wettest winters (so I’m told) has been slow/stationary. We have been visited by many storms, and family members - both of which have left their own trail of disruption.

I live and work on the Scillies and feel very blessed.


07522 417477


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