Write a poem or short story (no more than 500 words). Alex from the Potting Shed, on Bryher, will make a clay version of one of the entries.

The story should be about the adventures of a group (no more than 3) of characters, people, animals, mythical creatures. The opening sentence should start;
"We are all in this boat together ........"
Have a go at illustrating your own poem or short story.
To enter
Take a photograph or attach the file of your entry and send it to:
subject: Category 003 – We are all in this boat together
Include your name:
Names of your characters:
Your age group; infants and below, Junior, Secondary and ‘A’ levels, 19 -69 years, 70 years plus.
Resident or non-resident
Deadline 20th April
(by submitting a photo you are agreeing to the image being reposted on different social media platforms)